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CLUEGROUP - Online marketing agency

We're a creative group of people, who specialise in internet marketing, brewing coffee and being reliable.


On-page SEO

Want your page to be perfect in the eyes of Google but it’s still not quite ideal? We’ll struggle a little bit with its structure and make sure search engine crawlers visit it regularly!

Off-page SEO

“Where” your company is being mentioned is extremely important. Have us build your links for you – we know where and how to do it so that it brings the best results!


Link audits

Your page has a gray or black past, when it comes to SEO activities? We’ll take a look at your links’ profile and clean it enough so that Google has nothing to bother you with anymore.

Pro copywriting

Need pristine texts for your website? Or maybe you need someone to write your company’s blog? Content for your company’s website? Or maybe expert articles? On it!

Because we have a lot of experience. Both in so-called in-house work (as Team Leaders), and in regular agency work – as specialists and managers – and eventually owners. We also have experience in the third area of business – as owners, as we have internet stores. So we know exactly what you need.

Over the years, we’ve been working for both small businesses and large players (send us an email, and we’ll tell you exactly, for whom). We’ve always worked with ant-like diligence and customer satisfaction has always been crucial for us (and here nothing has changed). Such work really teaches you humility, teamwork and proper organization. It shows that everything must be approached individually. We’ve got it all! And so three years have passed.

After that, Justyna works on her own account (that is, on our collaborative account), without a job position. In September 2013 the ClueGroup brand is created. Back then Magda is still moving in the direction of big corporations. First Money.pl then Grupa Wirtualna Polska. That teaches you humility! But, above all, lets you acquire skills that are priceless. Working for the biggest players in the market. For both big portals, as well as huge e-commerce platforms. And so another three years have passed. Now there’s six of us.

Indeed… That’s why, you may want to choose us.

  • Passion 100%
  • Professionalism 100%
  • Perfectionism 100%


The current number of satisfied customers


The average increase in traffic in the first year of collaboration

The number of clients who received a penalty from Google while under our care

The average number of hours per month dedicated to single customer



On-page SEO Expert, Co-founder

Brews coffee, cleans, does good audits and effective SEO for elaborate e-commerce platforms and huuuuge portals. Blogs in her spare time. Loves WordPress and can do anything with it. Passionate about cooking and travelling.



Off-site SEO Expert, Co-founder

Likes bloggers, blogosphere, the mountains and meat. Takes care of link building and content marketing for our clients. Watches over social media – deals with Facebook Reaches, disappearing Snaps, filters on Instagram and makes sure hashtags on Twitter match.



Copywriter, junior SEO specialist

A one-man band – can write a text on any topic, runs fanpages, supervises the interns and also gets familiar with more and more aspects of the world of SEO, which makes him an ideal junior! In his spare time he “absorbs” different TV series and fantasy books.




Video game and online communities enthusiast. A humanist by profession, but nothing related to technological innovations, is foreign to him. Always up for a challenge and still looking for new paths of development. For him, creating content is a combination of work with interests.




Being a Wrocław tour guide he likes to walk and talk. A lot. As a copywriter he likes to reading and writing. When not doing any of these things, he fully commits himself to watching movies, because cinema is his biggest passion. Sarcasm is his second name.



Internet marketing specialist

A psychologist by profession, a copywriter by avocation. She loves to combine the latter with other aspects of Internet marketing. Single units on the Internet and Internet communities are things she pays close attention to. A fan of geocaching and the sounds of a bass guitar.


ClueGroup are pure professionals! The optimisation of the website itself has raised traffic by 40%. The cooperation is going on very well, I can always count on the consultation and the initiative on the part of the company.



ClueGroup are all specialists, they have great knowledge of not only the positioning of websites, but also Internet marketing. I’m satisfied with the collaboration, which has been very good from the very beginning.



ClueGroup made it so that without any action on the outside (linkbuilding), our visibility has increased by 100%! Just two months of heavy work on the structure of the website were enough. Now we can finally start working on content marketing!


digital marketing specialist


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